On the morning of June 26, 2023, Harbin Institute of Technology hosted the opening ceremony for its 2023 International Summer School program called “Electrical Intelligence, Driving the Future.” The ceremony took place in Room 227 of the Activity Center and was sponsored by the Undergraduate School while being hosted by the School of Electrical Engineering and Automation. Attendees included Wang Shujuan, the Dean of the School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Vice Dean Wang Yijie, and the teachers responsible for the summer school program. Wang Yijie also presided over the opening ceremony.

During the ceremony, Dean Wang Shujuan warmly welcomed the summer school participants and expressed her hope that they would make the most of this opportunity to enhance their communication skills, acquire new knowledge, improve their abilities, and build meaningful and lasting friendships.

During the orientation, Vice Dean Wang Yijie briefed the audience on various aspects of the school and the “Electrical Intelligence, Driving the Future” 2023 International Summer School program at Harbin Institute of Technology. He highlighted the School of Electrical Engineering and Automation’s exceptional accomplishments in multiple disciplines, scientific research, and the nurturing of talented individuals in recent years. In addition, he provided a comprehensive overview of the “Electrical Intelligence, Driving the Future” international summer school program and the prestigious domestic and international teaching staff involved.

After the introduction, both domestic and international students took part in character development training activities led by volunteers. The aim of these activities was to encourage mutual understanding, promote teamwork spirit, enhance team awareness, and hone cooperation skills.

On the afternoon of June 26th, the students went to visit the HIT Center. Narrators guided them through an exploration of the essence of President Xi Jinping’s congratulatory letter for HIT’s centennial anniversary. The students heard fascinating stories about the founding of national key projects and the nurturing of exceptional talents. They also learned about cutting-edge aerospace technology and engineering and technological innovation.

Introduction to the HIT International Summer School Program: “Electrical Intelligence, Driving the Future”

Since 2020, Harbin Institute of Technology has successfully organized the “Electrical Intelligence, Driving the Future” International Summer School program online for three sessions. Over 170 domestic and international students from various universities such as Tsinghua University, University of Science and Technology of China, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Chinese University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Shandong University, Harbin Institute of Technology (Weihai), Dalian University of Technology, and South China University of Technology have participated in the program. Through thematic courses, lectures, field visits, character development, and team training, students from different schools learn about the research and teaching situation of the School of Electrical Engineering and Automation at Harbin Institute of Technology, as well as student innovation and practical activities.

The School of Electrical Engineering and Automation has hosted four International Summer School programs with the same theme as the previous three sessions. The fourth Summer School is held offline and lasts for two weeks, from June 26th to July 9th, 2023. The program involves the participation of 45 selected students from universities such as Chinese University of Hong Kong, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Harbin Engineering University, and others.